Color me fabulous!

I have the most adorable client
who is planning a November wedding here in Charleston.
After sending me her packet of "clippings"
for her take on design concepts,
I was immediately inspired by this fabulous color palate
and couldn't resist finding fun new ways to incorporate!

Stand back, pink and gold...

Take a seat, chocolate and teal...

It's time to rest a bit, red and robin's egg blue...

Emerald & Aqua

That's where it's at, ya'll!!!!

And, just purrrfect as Spring gets closer...
Not to mention a perfect pair of hues for the gem-studded trend of '08!!

See these fanstastic ways to play up any decor or fashion fix...

...and, if the color combo doesn't tickle you enough,
how about this?

Emerald green is not only the gemstone for May babes

(that would include moi),

but it is also thought to be the ultimate shade favored by Venus, Goddess of Love...

Can you say Ooh La La?!

Now GET out there,
grab hold of your inner design guru,
and spice things up a bit!
You'll be OOH so glad you did :)

1 comment:

Sarah Bradley said...

Oooh, and for November, interesting and refreshing.